Full Name (as in IC)


Residential / Correspondence Address

Phone No

Email Address

Have you applied to Dynamik Technologies before?

Do you have a notice period?

What is your expected salary in Brunei Dollars?

How much advance notice is required for an interview?

How did you get to know about the company?

Do you know anyone who is working in Dynamik Technologies? If yes, please state your relationship with the person (e.g. schoolmate, family, previous colleague – please specify institution/organization/company)

What do you understand about the company and the type of work that we do?

What are the particular aspects of the company that made you interested to apply?

Please state the highest level of your education background (include details of institutions attended, qualifications awarded, period of attendance, and results obtained)

List your skills and self-assessment proficiency (1: Beginner, 2: Intermediate, 3: Advanced, 4:Expert)

Briefly outline any previous work experience, including work during studies or internship. Indicate lessons learnt / insights gained where possible.

Describe your greatest challenge?

Describe your biggest achievements?

List your main strength as well as personal areas of improvements

What are your interest outside of work/studies? What makes you happy?

What kind of challenges are you looking for in the company?

Are you able to work overtime and extra hours (if required)?

Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in an employer/job?

What concerns you most in an employer/job?

Please share your concerns, comments and suggestions (if any)

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